31 octobre 2019by chebbi abir WhatsApp sued Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group and its parent Q Cyber Technologies
31 octobre 2019by chebbi abir APT28 Hacking Group Attacking Sporting Organizations Around the World Using Custom Malware
31 octobre 2019by chebbi abir Top Domain Name Registrars Register.com and Web.com, NetworkSolutions.com Hacked – Millions of Customers Affected
29 octobre 2019by chebbi abir Unsecured ElasticSearch DB exposed data for 7.5M Adobe Creative Cloud Users
29 octobre 2019by chebbi abir PHP7 Remote Code Execution Bug Let Hackers Hijack Websites Running On NGINX Servers
29 octobre 2019by chebbi abir NFC Beaming Vulnerability in Android Let Hackers to Infect Vulnerable Devices With Malware