BianLian malware was first detected in October 2018; the malware aims in stealing OTP authentication codes, check balances, inject push notifications, and also capable of locking device and ask users to pay the ransomware.
The updated version of the malware contains a Screencast Module to records the screens of the infected device and Socks5 module used for creating an SSH server on the device.
Fortiguard observed a new wave of BianLian malware campaign with new modules along with the older modules.
Older Modules
text: Module used to send, receive, and log SMS messages
ussd: Module used to run USSD codes and make calls
injects: Module used to overlay attacks, mostly on banking applications
locker: Module used to lock the screen, rendering the device unusable for a user
New Modules
screencast: to record the screen
socks5: to create a functioning SSH server
Once the malware executed on the system, it hides the icon and constantly requests user permissions for Accessibility services until it granted. If the permission granted, then it initiates both the older and new modules.
The malware also drops an additional payload to “the Google Play Protect is active through the Google SafetyNet API.” The Screencast Module uses “Android package to create a virtual display to screencast.”
It checks whether the device is locked or not, if it is locked, then it unlocks and then starts the recording process remotely.
Another new module is Socks5 that used to create “SSH server on the device using JSCH (Java Secure Channel),” and it runs SSH sessions using port forwarding on port 34500.
“BianLian seems to still be under active development. The added functionalities, even though not completely original, are effective and make this family a potentially dangerous one. Its code base and strategies put it on a par with the other big players in the banking malware space.” […]
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