Anonymous announced that the affiliate group Black Rabbit World has leaked 28 GB of data stolen from the Central Bank of Russia
This week the Anonymous hacker collective claims to have hacked the Central Bank of Russia and stole accessed 35,000 documents.
The group of hacktivists announced that will leak the stolen documents in 48 hours.
Now the Anonymous TV Twitter account announced that Anonymous hackers The Black Rabbit World (@Thblckrbbtworld) have leaked 28 GB.
The group shared two links to the cloud storage and file hosting service Mega NZ:
The group plans to distribute the stolen documents to various points of the internet to prevent that they are censored.
The overall data are arranged in two folders named A and B, containing 9 parts and 1 part respectively.
The folders contain Offices and TXT files, the documents are written in Cyrillic.

Anonymous claims that the stolen documents include Russia’s economic secrets. The attack on the central bank of a state could have major repercussions on its domestic politics. The central bank sets the country’s economic policy, governs a country’s currency, maintains price stability, and oversees local banks.
If the leaked data are authentic, this data leak is probably the greatest hack for the ongoing #OpRussia launched by anonymous against the Russian government since the beginning of the invasion.
In the next few hours, intelligence experts, economists and activists will have a lot of work to do to translate the documents and reveal their contents.
To read the original article: